Last week was very active for Dimmons with our participation facilitating different workshops, where we had the opportunity to advance in a first version of a platform cooperativism toolkit. Following our collaboration with La Comunificadora, the incubation project of commons collaborative economy initiatives promoted by Barcelona Activa and coordinated by the Free Knowledge Institute, we organized a co-creation session around the LliureTIC project. In that case we prepared a dynamic and materials to identify and discuss among different actors and organizations of the free/libre software sector in Barcelona experiences of products and services, as well as common needs that a collective entity around them could help to solve.
Different moments from the session -Photos from @wtebbens and @ricardespelt
Also in the context of this collaboration, we organized a collective session of advice for the closure of the platform cooperativism course, in which we were able to test a first version of a material for the key indicators of the procomún collaborative economy. To do this, we developed a series of feedback panels to reflect impressions about economic sustainability, data policy and impact of projects in the conceptualization phase or potential ideas to be developed.
Presentation of the GlocalShare project and canvas for the session – Photos from @wtebbens and @esenabre
Mayo and Ricard finished the week facilitating the dynamics of a working session in the Cultura Viva event organised by the Cultural Department of the Barcelona City Council, where they were also able to present our current research work around models of economic sustainability in free culture and other related contexts. For this, focusing exclusively on aspects of governance and economic model, we created a first version of a material that allowed discussing those factors among the participants, mostly cultural and professional managers around the creative industries.
Working session and presentation during the Cultura Viva event -Photos from @CulturaVivaBcn