Co-creation materials on SDGs and digital futures tested at European Researchers Night

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Text originally published with Thomas Palfinger and Eveline Wandl-Vogt for Ars Electronica on 07/10/2019 Ars Electronica Research Institute knowledge for humanity hub (k4h+) in collaboration with exploration space (at) ACDH (at) the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Social City Vienna and Knowledge City Vienna invited to participate in an experiment at the Vienna edition of the European Researchers Night 2019. We offered the opportunity to test with us the first edition of a series of co-creation tools we are currently developing in the framework of the project of exploreAT!, focused around the need to connect the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with perceptions about digital futures. For this […]

New article – Mapping uncertainty around research data: a Digital Humanities transdisciplinary perspective adopting the Johari window

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In the current context of the Digital Humanities, it is each time more necessary to investigate and advance in the generation of knowledge through the analysis of large volumes of data and visualizations. On the other hand, as in many academic fields, the value of different perspectives in the research process is progressively recognized, integrating not only diverse disciplines but also the knowledge from non-academic roles. At the confluence of these two emerging paradigms, the uncertainty surrounding the data, information and knowledge generated by data visualization and transdisciplinarity approaches represents a methodological and a technical challenge. Through complementary methods of […]

Complexity and uncertainty in Digital Humanities projects: a co-design approach around data visualisation

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Text originally published with Eveline Wandl-Vogt and Roberto Theron for ProvideDH on 13/07/2019 In the context of the PROVIDEDH project (PROgressive VIsual DEcision-Making in Digital Humanities), and amidst the important and still emerging study of uncertainty in DH research (Therón et al., 2018), during the DH2019 conference in Utrecht as members of the PROVIDEDH team we organised a day-long, hands-on workshop with the Exploration Space team of the ACDH Austrian Academy of Sciences and the VisUsal research group of the University of Salamanca.  The session consisted of a series of short presentations, addressing topics like data visualization in DH, Open Innovation for transdisciplinary research or uncertainty in the DH […]

New article – Adapting the scrum framework for agile project management in science

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This article explores the adoption of agile methods for the management of projects in collaborative research initiatives. The use of the scrum framework, a specific set of agile principles and practices for self-organizing cross-functional teams in software development projects, is currently being expanded to other types of organizations and knowledge management processes. The study addresses the extent to which key principles and tools usually used in scrum, due to their potentially positive influence on team dynamics and efficiency, can contribute to the collaborative management and coordination of tasks in research processes. The responses from interviews with 17 researchers, as well […]

(des)vestim(la): Art and responsible consumption

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Text originally published with Ricard Espelt for CCBLab on 04/02/2019 [versió català / versión castellano] Between art, research and data there is a broad and meaningful space for actions that, based on an inspiring theme, can activate collective creativity. What happens when different techniques and philosophies for the co-creation of knowledge lead us – once again, since that is where they originate – to the terrain of artistic creation, with the desire to generate reflection and extend an invitation to action typical of activism? Midway between action-research and artistic intervention, a group of interdisciplinary specialists came together at El Konvent […]

Ciència procomú i governança

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Text original publicat pel fanzine “Acció política + Design Justice” de la Hackató de Ciència Ciutadana de Barcelona el 02/02/2019 Una de les possibles maneres de veure i entendre diferents paradigmes de participació ciutadana actuals en la ciència i la recerca, alhora que la seva vinculació amb polítiques públiques de ciutat, és des del prisma del Commons o “procomú”. Una mirada que ens permeti enfocar alhora el coneixement que es genera, el seu impacte social (més enllà de l’impacte acadèmic “per se”) i quins són els actors que hi participen en la seva gestació i desenvolupament. Si, per una banda, […]

Co-design process of the co-creation materials for Sharing Cities Summit 2018

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Post originally published in the Sharing Cities webpage on 17/12/2018. This post reflects the elaboration process of a series of co-creation materials recently developed from Dimmons, with help and inputs from different people, aiming at a new co-creation strategy for the event Sharing Cities Barcelona that just took place some days ago. The focus here is mainly on the different stages of a series of iterations and discussions which lead to a first operative version of three big scale canvas, produced in collaboration between Dimmons and  Barcelona City Council. Those were used for the Meet Up of the Sharing Cities Summit, and […]

Cultura de la co-creació i participació digital col·laborativa a Barcelona

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Text original publicat amb Mayo Fuster al blog de Dimmons 19/10/2018 La wiki-data-thon del dia 20 d’Octubre amb motiu de la biennal Ciutat Oberta de Barcelona vol ser un exercici per repensar junts i juntes què vol dir la co-creació de la ciutat. En aquest text tractarem d’oferir, primer, una sèrie d’elements característics del que podem entendre per això de co-creació de la ciutat, des de cert punt de vista, seguit d’una reconstrucció històrica (sempre incompleta) de la co-creació des de Barcelona. La co-creació d’una ciutat pot prendre moltes formes i modalitats. Per exemple des d’una perspectiva urbanística, qualsevol ciutat […]

New article – Dotmocracy and planning poker for uncertainty management in collaborative research

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This study is an exploratory approach to two co-creation methods derived from digital culture, applied to collaborative research ideation and management. Specifically, it describes and analyses the use of dotmocracy (from participatory design) and planning poker (from Agile frameworks) for decision-taking and uncertainty management in the early definition of collaborative research processes. The analysis, based on participant observation and facilitation in nine collaborative research settings, identifies commonalities on how some issues of uncertainty in collaborative knowledge generation contexts can be addressed by both techniques. Results point to the possibility of using dotmocracy and planning poker for articulating decision-making processes among […]

Towards a data commons

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Text originally published with Mayo Fuster for CCBLab on 15/10/2018 [versió català / versión castellano] The platform economy, a form of peer-to-peer, collaborative or sharing economy, can adopt very diverse models, which pose new challenges for society as well as new opportunities. From the commons models of free software communities or Wikipedia, based on the shared governance of communities, open knowledge and social responsibility, to the extractivist models of Uber or Deliveroo, with a form of governance that follows an extractivist logic, with closed technology and causing disruptive impacts, at the same time generating considerable controversies (like that seen recently in […]