PhD defense and thesis publication: Co-creation for transdisciplinarity – Adoption of participatory design and agile project management in collaborative research processes

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After an exciting and intense journey that started in early 2016, I finally defended my thesis dissertation last 3rd of December 2019 at the Sala Josep Laporte of the main headquarters of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. It was a great day and challenging session where I had the privilege to count with Mario Pérez Montoro (Universitat de Barcelona), Isabel Ruiz-Mallén (IN3-UOC) and Joan Subirats (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) as defense committee, as well as a great audience of family, friends and colleagues for such a special moment). Here’s a short summary video (mainly in Spanish and Catalan) recorded by […]

New article – Co-designed strategic planning and agile project management in academia: case study of an action research group

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Strategic planning, a standard activity for project management in different areas and types of organisations, can contribute to improving the dynamics of collaboration in academia, and specifically in research processes. This paper joins the still scarce studies on strategic planning within research groups, contributing to the field of both team science and organisational management from a social sciences perspective and “strategy-as-practice” paradigm. Through the case study of an action research group, after the experimental co-creation of its long-term strategy involving different participatory design methodologies, we quantitatively analyze how this process influenced communication and group relations, both internally and in relation […]

Co-creation materials on SDGs and digital futures tested at European Researchers Night

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Text originally published with Thomas Palfinger and Eveline Wandl-Vogt for Ars Electronica on 07/10/2019 Ars Electronica Research Institute knowledge for humanity hub (k4h+) in collaboration with exploration space (at) ACDH (at) the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Social City Vienna and Knowledge City Vienna invited to participate in an experiment at the Vienna edition of the European Researchers Night 2019. We offered the opportunity to test with us the first edition of a series of co-creation tools we are currently developing in the framework of the project of exploreAT!, focused around the need to connect the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with perceptions about digital futures. For this […]

Complexity and uncertainty in Digital Humanities projects: a co-design approach around data visualisation

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Text originally published with Eveline Wandl-Vogt and Roberto Theron for ProvideDH on 13/07/2019 In the context of the PROVIDEDH project (PROgressive VIsual DEcision-Making in Digital Humanities), and amidst the important and still emerging study of uncertainty in DH research (Therón et al., 2018), during the DH2019 conference in Utrecht as members of the PROVIDEDH team we organised a day-long, hands-on workshop with the Exploration Space team of the ACDH Austrian Academy of Sciences and the VisUsal research group of the University of Salamanca.  The session consisted of a series of short presentations, addressing topics like data visualization in DH, Open Innovation for transdisciplinary research or uncertainty in the DH […]

(des)vestim(la): Art and responsible consumption

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Text originally published with Ricard Espelt for CCBLab on 04/02/2019 [versió català / versión castellano] Between art, research and data there is a broad and meaningful space for actions that, based on an inspiring theme, can activate collective creativity. What happens when different techniques and philosophies for the co-creation of knowledge lead us – once again, since that is where they originate – to the terrain of artistic creation, with the desire to generate reflection and extend an invitation to action typical of activism? Midway between action-research and artistic intervention, a group of interdisciplinary specialists came together at El Konvent […]

Co-design process of the co-creation materials for Sharing Cities Summit 2018

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Post originally published in the Sharing Cities webpage on 17/12/2018. This post reflects the elaboration process of a series of co-creation materials recently developed from Dimmons, with help and inputs from different people, aiming at a new co-creation strategy for the event Sharing Cities Barcelona that just took place some days ago. The focus here is mainly on the different stages of a series of iterations and discussions which lead to a first operative version of three big scale canvas, produced in collaboration between Dimmons and  Barcelona City Council. Those were used for the Meet Up of the Sharing Cities Summit, and […]

New article – Dotmocracy and planning poker for uncertainty management in collaborative research

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This study is an exploratory approach to two co-creation methods derived from digital culture, applied to collaborative research ideation and management. Specifically, it describes and analyses the use of dotmocracy (from participatory design) and planning poker (from Agile frameworks) for decision-taking and uncertainty management in the early definition of collaborative research processes. The analysis, based on participant observation and facilitation in nine collaborative research settings, identifies commonalities on how some issues of uncertainty in collaborative knowledge generation contexts can be addressed by both techniques. Results point to the possibility of using dotmocracy and planning poker for articulating decision-making processes among […]

How to write collaboratively

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Post originally published at Giorgos Kallis’ blog How to write an academic paper on 28/03/2018 We scientists often write together. Most published papers have two, three or many co-authors. Yet, there is little systematization or teaching on how to write together – no lists of good practices, no manuals, no courses, in most Universities at least. For early career researchers, like myself, this is a huge problem. How does one start writing a paper with others? Experienced researchers have taught themselves how to work with others, ‘learning by doing’. But they rarely reflect on what works well and what does […]

New article – Participatory design of citizen science experiments

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This article describes and analyzes the collaborative design of a citizen science research project through cocreation. Three groups of secondary school students and a team of scientists conceived three experiments on human behavior and social capital in urban and public spaces. The study goal is to address how interdisciplinary work and attention to social concerns and needs, as well as the collective construction of research questions, can be integrated into scientific research. The 95 students participating in the project answered a survey to evaluate their perception about the dynamics and tools used in the cocreation process of each experiment, and […]

Testing new materials and dynamics for co-created projects

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Last week was very active for Dimmons with our participation facilitating different workshops, where we had the opportunity to advance in a first version of a platform cooperativism toolkit. Following our collaboration with La Comunificadora, the incubation project of commons collaborative economy initiatives promoted by Barcelona Activa and coordinated by the Free Knowledge Institute, we organized a co-creation session around the LliureTIC project. In that case we prepared a dynamic and materials to identify and discuss among different actors and organizations of the free/libre software sector in Barcelona experiences of products and services, as well as common needs that a collective entity around them could help […]