New article – Match-funding as a formula for crowdfunding

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Since crowdfunding first appeared, and with the proliferation of platforms in recent years, various systems and formulas of operation have appeared within the general crowdfunding model. One such system, still in its early days, is match-funding (co-funding between citizens and institutions), which permits public and private organizations to double financial contributions for projects from individual users. This paper focuses on the platform, a pioneer in the international development of this model. The advantages and impact of this method of crowdfunding compared to the traditional method is analyzed using data collected on the behavior in 14 match-funding calls for projects […]

Participation at OpenSym 2018 conference

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Adaptation of text originally published at Dimmons on 27/08/2018  Last week from Dimmons we had the opportunity to participate at the OpenSym18 conference in Paris, the international symposium dedicated to open collaboration research and practice. We were presenting our work in two different areas related to the collaborative economy. On the one hand, we presented an analysis of technological and knowledge practices and their implications for the platform governance of of collaborative digital platforms, based on a sample of 100 cases in Barcelona (a poster authored by Ricard Espelt and Mayo Fuster). On the other one, an analysis of match-funding […]

New article – Collaborative online writing and techno-social communities of practice around the Commons

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in commons, transdisciplinarity is an informative, participatory initiative in the Barcelona area, which arose from a desire to follow the intense activity around the local commons and technosocial issues. Emphasising ethical and emancipatory viewpoints and encouraging criticism, Teixidora fosters debate, thought and knowledge. It is also a tool (with a digital semantic wiki platform at its centre) conceived to apply collaborative live-writing in events based on community mapping, engagement and participation. Analysing Teixidora’s participation in three specific events during its first year of existence, the article applies Foth and Hearn’s (2007) communication ecology framework to Teixidora. Through observational analysis and other conceptual […]

Testing new materials and dynamics for co-created projects

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Last week was very active for Dimmons with our participation facilitating different workshops, where we had the opportunity to advance in a first version of a platform cooperativism toolkit. Following our collaboration with La Comunificadora, the incubation project of commons collaborative economy initiatives promoted by Barcelona Activa and coordinated by the Free Knowledge Institute, we organized a co-creation session around the LliureTIC project. In that case we prepared a dynamic and materials to identify and discuss among different actors and organizations of the free/libre software sector in Barcelona experiences of products and services, as well as common needs that a collective entity around them could help […]

The user experience in platform cooperativism

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Text originally published with Ricard Espelt for CCBLab on 06/11/2016 [versió català / versión castellano] Some thoughts on the design of collaborative platforms and reputation systems that make it possible to build trust and solidarity networks “Platform Cooperativism” is a fairly recent concept coined by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider to disrupt the collaborative economy scenario, which is currently dominated by a few “unicorn” corporations and by what many people consider a neo-capitalist perspective. The concept is particularly timely because it coincides with the emergence of new proposals linked to the Social and Solidarity Economy that review the links between […]

Foreword to a review of methodologies for the design & incubation of collaborative platforms

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Text originally published with Mayo Fuster as foreword to A Review of Methodologies for the Design & Incubation of Collaborative Platforms on 06/11/2016 Collaboration, and collaboration supported by digital platforms, does not appear out of the blue. It’s the result of an optimal design, and of development and organizational strategies. In this regard, the question of how to design and support the development of collaborative platform is central for their development. However, the knowledge around such topic still remains largely dispersed and unsystematized. What characterises a positive platform? Which methodologies of its design are available? Which lab and incubating approaches would […]

Metodologies de co-disseny de polítiques públiques amb motiu de

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Des del grup de recerca Dimmons, de recent creació a l’IN3 de la UOC, hem treballat en la co-definició de polítiques públiques per mitjà de la trobada i dins del seu col·lectiu organitzador, conformat per diversos projectes, actors i experts a Barcelona del que anomenem econonomia col·laborativa procomú, en estreta col·laboració per a la seva posada en marxa amb el departament de Barcelona Activa de l’Ajuntament de la ciutat. Amb l’esperit que la recerca aplicada i el treball interdisciplinar, basat en casos i problemàtiques d’actualitat, ha de conformar la base de com el món acadèmic, cívic i tecnològic es […]

More Goteo workshops and community events, strengthening international collaboration

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Post originally published at European Cultural Foundation on 29/12/2015 As part of our work and involvement for the past two years in ECF’s Connected Action for the Commons programme, we recently had busy and intense meetings in France and in Barcelona with Les têtes de l’art and Subtopia to discuss common activities and strengthening alliances. Our participation to the 2nd Rencontres Internationales de l’Innovation Sociale in Montpellier, where we facilitated different activities under a shared interest in helping to generate more opportunities and resources for civic culture, gave us clear impressions of the social and solidarity economy which is taking concrete steps in France. […]

#CultJam15 pre-event at Maker Convent Barcelona

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Post originally published at Europeana Creative on 02/06/2015 Some days ago at the Maker Convent Barcelona we had the opportunity of gathering 25 creative minds from different backgrounds, interested in the co-creation of new applications and 3D printing related projects based on Europeana content. It was the first of four “pre-events” before the Europeana Creative Culture Jam that will take place the 9th and 10th of July in Vienna at the Austrian National Library, as the final showcase event of the Europeana Creative project. The day was very intense, as it had the goal to co-create and foster the development […]

Entrevista a David Bollier en torno a la economía y las relaciones del procomún

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Adaptación de post publicado el 02/05/2013 en David Bollier es un activista estadounidense, escritor y estratega en torno al procomún, miembro del Commons Strategies Group, autor de obras como Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own, editor junto a Silke Helfrich del volumen recopilatorio The Wealth of the Commons y blogger desde (donde recomendamos por ejemplo su resumen Reflections from the European Deep Dive on the Commons). Desde Goteo le hemos entrevistado con motivo de la conferencia internacional que co-organiza este Mayo en torno a las implicaciones económicas del procomún (si no estás familiarizado […]