New article – Using an individual-centered approach to gain insights from wearable data in the Quantified Flu platform: netnography study

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Background: Wearables have been used widely for monitoring health in general, and recent research results show that they can be used to predict infections based on physiological symptoms. To date, evidence has been generated in large, population-based settings. In contrast, the Quantified Self and Personal Science communities are composed of people who are interested in learning about themselves individually by using their own data, which are often gathered via wearable devices. Objective: This study aims to explore how a cocreation process involving a heterogeneous community of personal science practitioners can develop a collective self-tracking system for monitoring symptoms of infection […]

A digital minimalism self-intervention

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Inspired by the concepts of self-experimentation and quantified self, some time ago I decided to re-try something that I had attempted in the past but in a very piecemeal way: put my smartphone aside and instead use a Nokia feature phone or “dumbphone”. Why do something like that? First of all, I must clarify that it is not a question of neo-luddite philosophy or aspiring to a way of life without technology. It is clear that our current lifestyle in “developed” societies cannot be separated from digital tools. And among these disruptive tools, the smartphone is the one that has […]

Personal science, community learning and the quantified self – Interview with Gary Wolf

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Text originally published at Peer-Produced Research Lab on 18/05/2021 Gary Wolf, journalist, researcher and contributing editor at Wired magazine since its beginnings, is the co-founder of Quantified Self, an international community of users and makers of self-tracking tools who share an interest in self-experimentation and “self-knowledge through numbers”. Gary is also one of the board directors of the Open Humans Foundation, and active contributor of the Open Humans self-research community. We interviewed Gary during a data collection process for a study on motivations, learnings and peer support in self-research communities (more info here), and since Gary gave permission to use his non-anonymized data (“I’m a journalist!”) we reproduce […]

Dispositivos de información en la plaza (en el aniversario del 15M)

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Con motivo de celebración del décimo aniversario del 15M recupero algo que escribí cuando me pasé por la plaça Catalunya en repetidas ocasiones y me mezclé con lo que estaba pasando, y sobre todo me llamó mucho la atención cómo se presentaban y organizaban diferentes interacciones “asíncronas” de participación. Para el análisis en aquel momento me basé en fotografías de cada uno de los dispositivos físicos de información que se desplegaron, buscando su analogía con canales y herramientas digitales de aquel entonces. Aquí lo dejo, sin “retoques” a posteriori ;), como una especie supongo de homenaje nostálgico y como un […]

New article – Data for sustainable platform economy: connections between platform models and Sustainable Development Goals

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In recent years, the platform economy has been recognised by researchers and governments around the world for its potential to contribute to the sustainable development of society. Yet, platform economy cases such as Uber, Airbnb, and Deliveroo have created a huge controversy over their socioeconomic impact, while other alternative models have been associated with a new form of cooperativism. In parallel, the United Nations are advocating global sustainable development by promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), considering elements such as decent work, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and fostering innovation. In any case, the SDGs have been also criticised for the […]

New book chapter – Participation and co-creation in citizen science

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Citizen science practices have different frames to general scientific research – the adoption of participatory methods in research design has long been pursued in citizen science projects. The citizen science research design process should be inclusive, flexible, and adaptive in all its stages, from research question formulation to evidence-based collective results. Some citizen science initiatives adopt strategies that include co-creation techniques and methodologies from a wide variety of disciplines and practices. In this sense, the will to collaborate between researchers and other stakeholders is not new. It is traditionally found in public participation in science, including participatory action research (PAR) […]

Crowdfunding and SDGs open data to accelerate knowledge about sustainability and citizen participation

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Text originally published with Mayo Fuster for Springer Nature on 30/04/2020 In a still early context of releasing open research data in the Social Sciences, we present the results of a pioneering initiative that unites action research and open knowledge, developed in collaboration between the Dimmons research group of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the Goteo civic crowdfunding initiative. It consists in a detailed dataset and its corresponding data descriptor in Scientific Data, containing various statistical details on 487 campaigns on that followed various crowdfunding modalities, in parallel to its relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. For this, through a process […]

Identifying uncertainties in transcribed historical recipes: two steps approach to co-creation and research software development

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Text originally published for ProvideDH on 10/02/2020 How can uncertainties regarding specific historical knowledge be identified, annotated and shared among researchers and citizen scientists? To what extent can an “hybrid” methodology connecting co-creation principles and software development be made for meaningful learning and knowledge sharing processes? These questions guided the first uncertainties workshop between the ProvideDH team and the Gastrosophie project, which among other things focuses on the volunteer-based transcription of digitized corpora of recipes from different periods of times (specially handwritten manuscripts) in Austrian German language. Introduction and Context The workshop was preceded by a short presentation from the […]

PhD defense and thesis publication: Co-creation for transdisciplinarity – Adoption of participatory design and agile project management in collaborative research processes

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After an exciting and intense journey that started in early 2016, I finally defended my thesis dissertation last 3rd of December 2019 at the Sala Josep Laporte of the main headquarters of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. It was a great day and challenging session where I had the privilege to count with Mario Pérez Montoro (Universitat de Barcelona), Isabel Ruiz-Mallén (IN3-UOC) and Joan Subirats (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) as defense committee, as well as a great audience of family, friends and colleagues for such a special moment). Here’s a short summary video (mainly in Spanish and Catalan) recorded by […]

New article – Co-designed strategic planning and agile project management in academia: case study of an action research group

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Strategic planning, a standard activity for project management in different areas and types of organisations, can contribute to improving the dynamics of collaboration in academia, and specifically in research processes. This paper joins the still scarce studies on strategic planning within research groups, contributing to the field of both team science and organisational management from a social sciences perspective and “strategy-as-practice” paradigm. Through the case study of an action research group, after the experimental co-creation of its long-term strategy involving different participatory design methodologies, we quantitatively analyze how this process influenced communication and group relations, both internally and in relation […]